In The Venue - Salt Lake City, UT 04/21/11

Every time a Deftones show comes into town I feel obligated to go because, they are by far my favorite band. So about every two or three years I get super stoked to see them again. When they come into town last July on the first leg of the Daimond Eyes tour they ended up playing The Rail and the show was amazing. Probably one of the best Deftones shows I have ever seen and I think I've seen them like eight times. The place wasn't insanely packed you could actually see the band (which is important because I have a somewhat unhealthy man crush on Chino) and the sound was dope. Awesome show. Awesome experience.
So when I heard they were coming back again so soon I was excited but, not as excited as usual because the last show was so much fun. This time around the band played at In The Venue and it seemed like everybody and their cousin showed up. The show sold out and the place was crazy packed. So naturally I gravitated towards the 21 and older section to drink away my annoyance of the crowd which probably wasn't the greatest idea. The lines to the bar were long, the drinks were expensive and they tasted horrendous. Eventually with about an hours worth of waiting I finally got enough drinks in me that I was having a good time. But the side effect to my drunkenness was that I really wasn't giving a shit about the show and therefor didn't really put any effort into actually trying to see the band. So my night pretty much ended up looking like this...
As you can see it wasn't the greatest of times and definitely isn't as awesome of a view as the picture above. So as the night went on the band played the same old songs that I am used to them playing, never delving into any jams that I haven't heard live before and everyone I was with kept getting drunker and drunker. Eventually I just gave up and left during the encore of the show (I never thought I would leave a Deftones show early). Now in the morning and deep into my hangover I kind of regret not putting more effort into getting a better view and I'm kinda bummed that I left early. But, it is what it is and I'm sure they'll be back and when they do I hope they pick a bigger spot cause having so many Trashy Drunk Metal Headed Goth Slutin Bros all packed in so tightly is straight bogus.
If I was to put the night into a nice lil' synopsis it would go like this:
At the Deftones show last night a friend of mine lost his right shoe and drunkenly keep running into the pit trying to find it and while all this was unfortunate yet hilarious to me he ended up getting kicked out about an hour into the show.
Side note The Dillinger Escape Plan opened. The band was crazy tight and had really good energy. But the sound was horrible. Lame.
Every time a Deftones show comes into town I feel obligated to go because, they are by far my favorite band. So about every two or three years I get super stoked to see them again. When they come into town last July on the first leg of the Daimond Eyes tour they ended up playing The Rail and the show was amazing. Probably one of the best Deftones shows I have ever seen and I think I've seen them like eight times. The place wasn't insanely packed you could actually see the band (which is important because I have a somewhat unhealthy man crush on Chino) and the sound was dope. Awesome show. Awesome experience.
So when I heard they were coming back again so soon I was excited but, not as excited as usual because the last show was so much fun. This time around the band played at In The Venue and it seemed like everybody and their cousin showed up. The show sold out and the place was crazy packed. So naturally I gravitated towards the 21 and older section to drink away my annoyance of the crowd which probably wasn't the greatest idea. The lines to the bar were long, the drinks were expensive and they tasted horrendous. Eventually with about an hours worth of waiting I finally got enough drinks in me that I was having a good time. But the side effect to my drunkenness was that I really wasn't giving a shit about the show and therefor didn't really put any effort into actually trying to see the band. So my night pretty much ended up looking like this...
If I was to put the night into a nice lil' synopsis it would go like this:
At the Deftones show last night a friend of mine lost his right shoe and drunkenly keep running into the pit trying to find it and while all this was unfortunate yet hilarious to me he ended up getting kicked out about an hour into the show.
Side note The Dillinger Escape Plan opened. The band was crazy tight and had really good energy. But the sound was horrible. Lame.
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