The Great Saltair - Salt Lake City, UT 05/02/11
Back in the day I always found it a little strange when people were into Danzig. I never could quite understand how you could buy into this little barrel chested dude that looks like
Vigo from Ghostbusters 2.
But as I've grown a little older I pretty much like any kind of music and after meeting my wife and finding out she was obsessed with him I accepted Mr. Glen Danzig into my life.
When his performance at Saltair was announced I had to go because, I knew somehow it was going to be hilarious yet awesome. Partly because of the crowd that would attend and partly because watching a goth metal version of Elvis / Morrisey's love child running around in a fishnet shirt sounded like a hell of a way to spend a Monday night.
Sadly though, only half of what I imagined actually came through. The crowd was awesome, there's nothing like watching a bunch of metal heads and drunk assholes rock out, they should make a reality show that consists of trashed people at shows doing their thing, it would be so amazingly entertaining. But, the worst part was watching the crowd bug out to two of the blandest metal core bands I have heard in a while in 2Cents and Devildriver (for some reason the lead singer of 2Cents kept referring to his penis and insulting the crowd). Then waiting patiently for Danzig only to have them sound like a busted ass blues rock cover band coming out of an old beer can with an extremely loud old dude shrieking randomly over the top. I was honestly amazed at how horrible it sounded. Then it occurred to me... on the way into the show security was making an extremely huge deal about not taking any pictures or videos. The reason must be because if any pics or video clips surfaced of a bald and chubby Danzig yelping incoherently and consistently running out of breath mid lyric no one would go to his concerts
It's was kind of sad to see that someone so strangely badass and ridiculous has now just become old and ridiculous. I guess when you need a paycheck for you're Viagra you gotta go play them shows. I managed to sneak a couple of crappy unfocused pics before being almost thrown out by security. Check em out.